
On this week’s episode of Health + Happiness, Joy and Vivien teach us all about protecting yourself from troublesome ticks, how to cut back on added sugar, a new type of milk! Here’s a brief recap of what we learned in Episode 6. In case you missed it, you can watch the full episode online here.

Steer Clear of Ticks
Headed outdoors for a hike or a fun family camping trip? Vivien shares the ABCs of protecting yourself against troublesome ticks.

A is for avoid: Stay away from tall grass and overgrown shrubs in the woods, which is where ticks often hide.
B stands for bug spray; the CDC recommends using a repellant that contains at least 20 percent of DEET, Picaridan, or IR3535. Spray on exposed skin (legs, hands and neck).
C is for clothing. Treat clothes and gear with products that feature an insecticide called permethrin. Spray clothes the night before, allow to dry and they’re ready to wear. Tuck pants into socks for extra protection, do a thorough tick check at the end of the day, wash dirty clothes in hot water and tumble in a dryer on high heat for at least 10 minutes to ensure any lingering stowaways have been killed. Be sure to do a body and hair check and remove immediately using a fine tick tweezer. Follow up with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. (Don’t forget to check your pets, too!)

Get Sugar Smart
Sugar can be found in lots of sneaky places. For example, 1 tablespoon of ketchup has 1 teaspoon of sugar! This added sugar is used to bring sweetness or improve flavor in a variety of foods, including condiments, sauces, dressings. Sugar comes in many forms, and knowing the names can help you become a smarter shopper so look on the label for terms like high-fructose corn syrup, honey, maltose or molasses. Here’s a shocking stat: The average person consumes 18 teaspoons of added sugar per day, which is roughly 300 empty calories, meaning it provides little to no nutrients. Experts recommend limiting added sugar to just about 6 teaspoons (about 100 calories) per day for women; or 9 teaspoons (about 150 calories) for men. Again, check labels to keep tabs on your intake. Note that the natural sugars in milk and fruit don’t count toward this goal. Joy offers sugar-free swaps, including naturally flavored seltzer, PB & fruit sammies. Now that’s sweet!

Junk Food to Joy Food
Joy lightens up two classic BBQ dishes: Fried Chicken and Coleslaw. Her version of Baked “Fried” Chicken and a Creamy Coleslaw that contains just 50 calories per cup will be a smashing success at your next get-together. Remember some safe picnic tips and enjoy!

Joyful Note 
To help focus on the positive, Joy recommends loving your body now. How? Try taking actions to show how much you appreciate it. For instance, go for a walk because it feels good or choose the grilled chicken over the greasy burger because it showers your body with healthful nutrients. You’ve got this!

Wishing you a week ahead filled with health, happiness and a daily dose of Joy. To catch up on episodes of Health+Happiness, click here.


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