[ad_1] • Internal Revenue Service debunks advertised trust strategy for income taxes—In Chief Counsel...
Wealth Tech
[ad_1] LeRoy Neiman’s Cluny Unicorn sold for $4,800 at Bonhams American Art Online auction...
[ad_1] Unfortunately, some trusts, even when the administrative and dispositive provisions are well-designed, fail...
[ad_1] Death of a loved one poses challenges to our clients, which become exacerbated...
[ad_1] In a typical charitable gift annuity (CGA) transaction, an individual (the donor) transfers...
[ad_1] Americans are very generous, donating nearly half a trillion dollars in 2022.1 Although...
[ad_1] As we enter the last few months of the year, understanding how Congress...
[ad_1] In Jewish culture, it’s common practice to make gifts of money or charitable...
[ad_1] With the generous Trump-era estate exemption limit set to expire in two years,...
[ad_1] In Chief Counsel Memorandum (CCM) AM 2023-0006 (Aug. 9, 2023) the Internal Revenue...