
10 May 2024

Krystal Birungi’s son just turned 5.

His birthday brings joy every year – but this year is special.

“I walked around with a big smile on my face all day and told everyone who would listen,” Krystal says. “We beat the statistic. I was finally able to celebrate!”

Krystal’s family lives in Uganda, where malaria is the leading cause of death for children under 5. Around the world, malaria kills one child every minute.

Krystal is working to change the odds for children like her son – and their parents.

A field entomologist for the Uganda Virus Research Institute’s Target Malaria project, Krystal develops innovative genetic technologies to target mosquitoes that carry the disease.

“Our work is not done,” she says. “We can eliminate #malaria and end preventable deaths of children like my son.”

The Global Fund has invested nearly US$18 billion to prevent and treat malaria worldwide.

Ahead of #MothersDay, the Global Fund celebrates Krystal and her family, and everyone fighting for a malaria-free future for their children.


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