
New Resources for Grant-making in GC7

26 June 2023

The following resources are now available to support in-country partners:

Grant-making section on the Global Fund website. The grant-making section on the Global Fund website has been updated for GC7. It provides an overview of grant-making and consolidates resources for Principal Recipients, Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Local Fund Agents, partners, civil society and others interested in the grant-making stage of the grant life cycle.

New grant-making video. A funding request submitted to the Global Fund by country applicants is translated into one or more grants through a process called grant-making. This new video summarizes key changes regarding the grant-making process for GC7, and how Principal Recipients, the Global Fund Country Team and other in-country partners collaborate to design a quality, implementation-ready grant.

Partner Portal Guide. Principal Recipients use the Global Fund Partner Portal to view the progress of grant-making, download documents and forms shared by the Global Fund, submit final grant documents, and manage Grant Entity Data. The Partner Portal Guide [ download in English | Español | Français ] shows Principal Recipients how to access and carry out key actions for grant-making in the Partner Portal.


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