
In each step that goes into the planning of a charitable gift, there are some potential pitfalls that can cause the gift to fail. For example, a practitioner may be asked to plan a charitable bequest for a client. But if the bequest is for a troublesome purpose, such as a bequest to establish a scholarship for a member of a particular racial group, that bequest won’t pass legal muster. The speaker, who advises many charitable organizations, will review some of the common missteps that practitioners make and provide suggestions on how to avoid these mistakes.

Attendees will learn the challenges that may come up and how to avoid mistakes with:

  • Common gift planning techniques
  • Bequest planning
  • IRA planning
  • Substantiation requirements for gifts

CLE, CFP, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, RMA®, and AEP® CE Credits have been applied for and are pending approval.

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Jonathan G. Tidd Law Firm

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Editor in Chief

Trusts & Estates




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