Updated Health Product Management Template
08 March 2023
The Health Product Management Template [ download in multiple languages ] (HPMT) has been updated for the 2023-2025 allocation period. The updated version replaces the template used in the 2020-2022 allocation period. The HMPT is available in French and Spanish, and is accompanied by step-by-step guidance providing background information and explaining the different functionalities in the template to manage health products in Global Fund grants.
In addition, the C19RM Health Management Template has been updated and Principal Recipients that are using the C19RM HPMT template should ensure they download version 5 dated 5 January 2023 [ download in English | Español | Français ] , as available on the Global Fund website.
The HPMT is a grant document that captures information about the procurement and supply management of health products under a Global Fund grant. The HPMT is a product of various activities and processes that must be finalized in-country prior to the HPMT being filled and submitted.