
Around the world, communities are powerful leaders in the fight against AIDS. People living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV, are critical to delivering HIV care and prevention programs, identifying and removing human rights-related and gender-related barriers to care, and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Community leadership is at the center of the Global Fund partnership. Working together, we have made extraordinary progress in the fight to end AIDS. In countries where the Global Fund invests, AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 72% since 2002 and new HIV infections have gone down by 61%. Of the 39 million people living with HIV, 29.8 million are on antiretroviral therapy today – 24.5 million in the countries where the Global Fund invests. 

But our fight isn’t over. Today, our progress remains fragile and must be reinforced. New health crises are occurring at increasing frequency, human rights are under attack and health inequities are starkly apparent. This World AIDS Day it is time to get back on track to end AIDS as a public health threat once and for all. By letting communities lead, we can build a truly global approach in the fight against HIV that leaves no one behind.


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