Amidst the fast-paced environment of constant change and innovation, we uncover the groundbreaking concepts...
Otherside holders get dripped out in Gucci Luxury fashion giant Gucci has designed a...
Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are a digital asset class that has gained significant attention in...
According to a recent report, North Korean hackers associated with the cybercrime organization “Lazarus...
Freelancers have succeeded in transforming side jobs into lucrative careers as the gig economy...
Metaverse weddings, marital vows on the metaverse, and eternal love on the blockchain could...
Former US President and crypto detractor Donald Trump’s weird NFT collector’s items project has...
The T2 of the BLR Airport can be experienced virtually in three dimensions (3D)...
Apple is preparing to allow third-party app stores on its devices to comply with...
LGND, an e-commerce and interactive platform developer, has announced a multiyear collaboration with blockchain...